Unless they’re a green-blooded half-human half-Vulcan, someone whose eyebrows are all-too dramatically raised at the outer corners has had a badly-judged ‘Botox ... left with bad all-over ...
He also wrote ““[y]ou sold me bad botox and my clients were in the hospital. I had to pay their bills and try to save my reputation . . . . Do you know how much money I lost? You can send me ...
she asks. ‘You look dreadfully tired.’ The second friend (who also has remarkably plump lips and the tell-tale, perfectly arched brow of a Botox devotee) chimes in. ‘Listen we’re a bit wor ...
A New York aesthetician was arrested Wednesday and charged after being accused of illegally injecting clients with counterfeit Botox imported from China and other countries in Asia, the U.S.
The procedure removes excess skin from the eyelids that can cause "sagging eyebrows ... "I tried to over-correct it by doing Botox, where I got too much bad Botox, and it actually drooped my ...