Bad breath can usually be improved with thorough oral hygiene. I’m not just talking about brushing your teeth and flossing.
At universities and startups around the globe, researchers are searching for microbes that could be used as food.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have achieved a significant advancement in the field of green hydrogen production. Their innovative approach involves using bio-engineered bacteria termed ...
Scientists and entrepreneurs have big goals for tiny organisms, from feeding people in war zones to curbing climate impacts.
Although hydrogen is frequently heralded as the fuel of the future, environmental issues and production inefficiencies have long dogged the process. The answer provided by this novel bacterial ...
Flatulence is the expulsion of gases from the digestive system through the anus. Eructation or burping/belching is expulsion ...
Researchers at the University of Oxford have achieved a significant advancement in the field of green hydrogen production. Their innovative approach involves using bio-engineered bacteria termed ...
Farting is a common occurrence with physical activity, including walking. Learn why it happens, how to cope with it, and what ...
With these innovations in place, the hydrogen production yield increased tenfold compared to the unmodified bacteria. The team has also suggested that this system could one day be scaled up in the ...
Methanol is metabolized into the natural gas methane by many microbes living under Earth’s surface, but its source has been unclear. It emerges that some bacteria convert formate molecules into ...