Interop 2025 started with Microsoft, Apple, Google and Mozilla joining efforts to improve their browser's interoperability.
With a sleek, minimalist design, Opera Air has the UI of a meditation app. In fact, it is a mediation app. Along with music for creative inspiration, it provides guided meditation and breathing ...
I play around with browsers quite a bit, and very few have managed to tear me away from Google Chrome. While I still dabble ...
Tired of seeing your computer battery draining faster when you browse the web? You need a browser with a power-saving ...
After years of forcing Android users to stream Apple TV Plus through their web browsers, Apple is finally releasing a native Android app.
Smartphones are useful tools for everyday life, but they're privy to nearly everything about you, including all the places ...
Secure Windows 10 and continue to use it safely after Microsoft ends support, using tips, tricks, free tools and some common ...
delve in and enjoy games that are so good you’ll set fire to your Xbox and live life entirely inside a web browser. Oh, all right, they’re not quite that good, but if you can’t waste an insane number ...
Fish­er­men from the All To­ba­go Fish­er­folk As­so­ci­a­tion (AT­FA) are threat­en­ing to pres­sure Chief Sec­re­tary Far­ley Au­gus­tine out of of­fice if pay­ments for work done dur­ing the oil ...
The new Windows Sticky Notes app has some amazing features to make your browsing more productive. Check out how to use them ...
The Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) will con­clude its screen­ing of gen­er­al elec­tion nom­i­nees—in­clud­ing Diego Mar­tin ar­eas—next Mon­day, and the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC) ...
But if you use Edge on Windows, you might have noticed that the Settings page is a mess. It's cluttered and slow to load.