Caption 3D microscope image showing separation of actin isoforms in a cluster of cells. The uppermost layer (stained red) consists of gamma actin, whilst the base and edges display beta actin ...
Using cutting-edge super resolution microscopy, researchers from the University ... published in the journal Nature ...
Along the blue neurons’ projections, tiny green dots mark the location of the presynapses, where the actin cytoskeleton forms distinct nanostructures that Leterrier’s team characterized using more ...
In all eukaryotic cells, actin protein assembles to form a network of thin filaments that spread throughout the cell. The actin filaments give the cell its structure, enable the cell to move, and ...
In all eukaryotic cells, actin proteins come together to form a network of thin filaments that spread throughout the cell. These filaments play a role in the cell’s structure and movement, its ...
Because actin is tethered to structures located at ... Structural changes in muscle during contraction: Interference microscopy of living muscle fibres. Nature 173, 971–973 (1954) doi:10.1038 ...
(2)The mechanism to which protein CP (The capping protein: CapZ) adjusted the polymerization and the escape polymerization on the filament edge by developing the Clio electron microscope method to ...
Pohang, South Korea has developed a technology that which provides stable and highly accurate cell visualisation. In life ...
Recently, disassembly factors such as Cofilins, Coronin and Aip1 have been shown to facilitate actin disassembly. By monitoring the activity of Cofilin and Spire over pre-assembled filaments using ...