Research in the Sociology Department focuses on the lives of people in very different contexts around the ... Rescues of Rohingya refugees are both an expression of Hukôm Adat La'ôt and the Acehnese ...
People power. A grammatically awkward term but one which still inspires some pride of the time when Filipinos stood up after years of martial law and, the final blow—patently fraudulent elections.
While gay sex is not illegal elsewhere in Indonesia, it is outlawed in the conservative Aceh province, which imposes a ...
‘I Only Want People There Who Are Special to Me’ Woman, 28, Tears Up After Finding Note on Her Door About Elderly Neighbor. What Viral Video Didn't Show (Exclusive) Man, 34, 'Wanted a Nicer ...
People who are genuinely big-hearted with their time and efforts have a healthy self-regard, they know what they value as well as what gives them meaning. A people-pleaser, however, does not have ...
“We have routine [patrols] every day, but we will increase our supervision even further during Ramadan,” Banda Aceh Satpol PP WH head Muhammad Rizal said on Thursday (Feb 27) in the Acehnese ...
The smuggling of migrants, as defined in Article 3(a) of the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol, involves the facilitation of a person’s illegal entry into a State, for a financial or other material ...
He said that four Acehnese were arrested in the case. The four are suspected of being Fredy's extensions to distribute the illicit goods to Indonesia. Mukti said that the drugs were smuggled by sea.
Here’s how it works. Only 12 people have ever walked on the moon, making it one of the most exclusive clubs. While hundreds of astronauts have traveled to space, only a select few have set foot ...