Eight permanent steel structures will be installed on the 3.5 km section of the transmission line damaged by the extreme ...
The indicative pricing provided by these agreements and ongoing confidential discussions is reflected in the Pre-FEED economics updating earlier assumptions, increasing confidence and reducing ...
The AFDRS is the same wherever you are in Australia, and it can help you understand how dangerous the weather conditions are, the level of threat to your safety and what you need to do to stay safe.
Global energy consultancy Xodus has delivered a future-looking guide on the jobs that will be required to deliver a major ...
Figure 1. The wavelength is the distance between the crests of the wave. The phase describes the current position of the wave in its sinusoidal cycle. That is, the wave may be at a crest, a trough, or ...
We generate forecasts for up to 4 months ahead using our long-range forecast model, ACCESS-S. The model simulates the evolution in the state of the atmosphere and oceans for coming months. It uses ...