There's plenty of character development in the Mass Effect series. Part of that setting is The Reapers, the threat at the core of the story running across all three games. Part of the journey is ...
You can find DNA from the Revelation Space series in Mass Effect, Stellaris, Destiny, and plenty of other beloved sci-fi ...
Gamble confirmed you do in fact see Reapers in the trailer, so we're likely seeing the remnants of what was left behind after the final showdown with Shepard in Mass Effect 3. The presence of ...
Mass Effect 2 remains one of the greatest video games ever made, and we celebrate that on its 15th anniversary.
RELATED: Mass Effect Fan Shows Off Incredible 3D-Printed ... towards the end to help the Milky Way Galaxy take care of a Reaper. The video's original poster, eli_handle_b.wav has posted several ...
“MASS EFFECT - Priority Hagalaz is a co-operative, story-driven game for 1-4 players designed by Eric W Lang and Calvin Wong ...