It returned to its former isolationism during the depression years of the 1930s, disarmed, and was determined to never again become involved in Europe’s nihilistic wars. Yet that very ...
The term “isolationism” came into common usage in the United States in the 1930s—and it already had distinctly negative connotations. Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, who in the late nineteenth ...
In my forthcoming book, I probe the ideological and political roots of American isolationism, assess its evolution over time, and draw on America’s past to shed light on the era of retrenchment ...
Victor Davis Hanson complains about a “new isolationism”: Usually nothing good comes from American isolationism, especially given our key support for a vulnerable, democratic Israel.
Is it fair to call this mood a new form of isolationism? Columnist Walter Lippmann, for one, does not shrink from the word: “If it is said that this is isolationism, I would say yes. It is ...