Bad breath can usually be improved with thorough oral hygiene. I’m not just talking about brushing your teeth and flossing.
So can I eat my noodles if a dog pooped nearby? For the most part, nasty smells are “CAUTION” signs, not the cause of harm.
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a prevalent oral health issue that affects people of all ages worldwide.
A broken sewage pipe at a Union County high school created such a terrible smell this week that teachers have been forced to relocate their classrooms. Westfield High School acting principal Bill ...
But a bad smell without pain may also indicate an underlying health condition. Urine is a liquid waste product excreted by your body after the kidneys filter out your blood and tissues.
Equipment malfunction at International Paper Mill in Georgetown caused a mix of gasses to be released, causing residents to ...
AFTER years of complaints about foul odors and unsanitary conditions, the Cebu City Jail (CCJ) will finally get a new wastewater treatment facility, with constr ...
A broken sewage pipe at a Union County high school created such a terrible smell this week that teachers have been forced to relocate their classrooms. Westfield High School acting principal Bill ...