There are Canada geese, lots of them. Then there are other species, none of them common but all of them with stories of their ...
This week, I’m featuring the greater white-fronted goose, which is a probable winter visitor to the Ada area. Most ornithological agencies list the greater white-fronted goose as passing through ...
Flocks of brownish geese, called greater white-fronted geese because of their bright-white foreheads, are arriving from Arctic regions. They also display a white horseshoe pattern on the upper ...
BIBAI, Hokkaido--A mammoth flock of white-fronted geese is adding to the spectacular view at a wetland here as they rest before heading for regions in the Russian Far East, where they will breed ...
Statewide duck and white-fronted goose seasons end Dec. 1, but duck hunting will reopen in the high plains until on Dec. 7 and goes through Dec. 29. Canadian Geese and light goose seasons close on ...
It is open only to light geese -- snows, blues and Ross’s. White-fronted and Canada geese travel with light geese, but the spring season is closed to whitefronts, Canada geese, swans and all ...
It was Izunuma’s biggest mass departure of the year of greater white-fronted geese. Each year more than 100,000 birds arrive at Izunuma. Greater white-fronted geese are the most abundant bird species ...