Finally, producers can take advantage of double-cropping by including wheat in a rotation in areas where there is enough moisture. Winter wheat can be planted soon after the harvest of a summer crop ...
U.S. farmers are projected to shift acreage to corn this spring as corn prices maintain an impressive run while prices for ...
It is critical that the hay or silage you feed will provide the extra nutrients your cows need. Because of this, not just any hay or silage will do. Your cow needs 10 to 12% crude protein and 60 ...
With decades of experience, Brian Templeton helps drive silage success at Slains Park, an impressive 1530ha operation in Aberdeenshire.
Crops raised on the roughly 3,300 acres of arable land included: wheat, barley, oats, triticale, rye, rapeseed, alfalfa and corn silage. The barley could be grown for both brewing quality and also ...