The temperature change triggers water vapor in the whale's breath to condense into water droplets. The same phenomenon happens when you exhale on a cold day. The result is a misty spout that can ...
The gray whales are on their annual migration path between breeding grounds in Mexico and feeding grounds off the coast of ...
THE kayaker who was swallowed whole by a humpback whale and miraculously survived ... Adrian and his father revealed that they first spotted a spout of water before he ended up in the animal's ...
When the Mendocino Coast Whale Festival kicks off in early March, whale lovers not only peer ceaselessly out at the ocean, hoping to see a spout or a fluke, but they flock to their local libraries ...
Pacific gray whales frolicking off the coast of Rancho Palos Verdes, California, created stunning rainbows in their blow.According to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes: “The Pacific gray whales’ annual ...