One clear example of this is below; I liked the effect of the two people in the corner and didn't want to cover them with a vignette. Architectural photography can be quite difficult to get right ...
I’m the type of person who tries to add a photo to each of my iPhone’s contact listings. I can’t stand having grey, initial-laden photo bubbles in Messages; while contact photos can be disabled in ...
landscapemetrics** provides several functions to sample metrics *at* or *around* sample points. On possible application for this feature could be a study in which the study organism only encounters ...
We found evidence that being exposed to vignettes led respondents to give better advice. For example, the gap between advised claim age for a relatively healthy person versus a relatively sick person ...
The digital vignette is valid immediately upon purchase (if desired). The digital 10-Day Vignette with immediate validity allows you to drive on toll-compulsory motorways and speedways in Austria. The ...