A man experiencing excessive thirst drank lots of milk, with dangerous consequences. The symptoms: The patient visited the ...
Q. Are older people more likely to choke on food? A. More than 3,000 people choke to death every year. Children younger than three years old and senior citizens are the leading victims. Young ...
DAVE MONTGOMERY, MD: Triglycerides are the fats that swim around in our body. We use those fats in normal amounts for fuel, for energy. We also use them to make hormones and to build cells.
NEW YORK, June 20 (Praxis Press) A type of fat found in the blood, called triglyceride, has been linked to heart disease for years, but its exact role in heart disease is unclear compared to other ...
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist and public health campaigner based in London, says Americans' foods are fueling chronic ...
In her latest Instagram post, Anjali Mukerjee explains the meaning of triglycerides and how the condition affects our body.
The cholesterol that's good for your heart health might be bad for your eye health and vice versa, a new study says.
This type is less commonly known. It's another "bad" cholesterol which is mainly made of triglycerides (blood fats). Too much VLDL cholesterol can also gum up your arteries and harm your heart health.
(Normal glucose levels are typically 70 to 99 milligrams per deciliter.) His triglycerides — a type of fat in the blood — were also dramatically elevated, at 16,713 milligrams per deciliter ...