Would you ever admit it if you didn’t wash your hands regularly after using the toilet? Well, 2,000 Britons opened up about their dirty habits in a new survey and it was revealed that more than a ...
Yet a survey that was part of ASM's Clean Hands Campaign revealed this dirty little secret: Though 95% of men and women claim that they wash after using a public toilet, observations made by ...
Just, you know, wash your hands afterward. Please ... After all, they don't have lids on their toilet seats, so when you flush, it launches a spray of bacteria nearly 2 meters away, onto the ...
A hygiene inspector who discovered a “completely dry” hand basin at an all-you-can-eat buffet told staff they must wash their hands after using the toilet. The environmental health expert also ...
A new survey also found women were more likely than men to wash their hands before touching food – and after using the toilet. The risk of getting the coronavirus from a surface is low.