Governor Jorge Flies of the Chilean Magallanes and Antarctica Region announced a project to build an underwater tunnel linking the mainland with Tierra del Fuego ... Zones in Chile seeks to ...
Even the shape of this long ... desert region of Atacama to the southernmost regions of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Chile’s famed Atacama Desert lies in the north near the border with ...
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan first arrived here about 500 years ago, cruising through Tierra del Fuego's remote straits on a quest for Asian spices. And in the 1800s, Charles Darwin ...
podría aminorar la dependencia de Chile del hidrocarburo argentino. Sucede que Enap quiere explorar la existencia de reservas de gas en el Lago Mercedes, en Tierra del Fuego. Para ello, contrató a ...
Forty years ago Chile and Argentina had come to the brink of war over disputed territorial rights south of Tierra del Fuego. Now the presidents of the two countries would like to declare the area ...