While not always a cause for concern, corns and calluses may need to be removed if they’re causing persistent pain, says ...
Common locations for calluses include the feet, the fingertips, and the palms of the hands. A person may be able to get rid of unwanted calluses at home. While it may take time and patience ...
The ying to overpronation’s yang, the term is used to describe the foot’s positioning during your running gait. And like its opposite, it’s no bad thing. Although supination isn’t as ...
In fact, we all supinate and pronate during every stride. Supination is when the foot rolls outward, and pronation when it rolls inward. These natural parts of the gait cycle may only become a ...
“In response to chronic friction and rubbing, the skin may become extremely rough, known as a callus.” Everyday wear and tear and changes in the weather (cold or hot) could mean your feet need ...