One notable version of the 66 is easily identified by the "red eye" decals decorating it. Singer introduced the model 99 electric sewing machine. It was the first portable electric machine and ...
By fixing her handbag with the Singer machine Crompton saved £40 Credit: John Lawrence I’m not alone in the trend to mend. Research shows that sales of sewing machines have been markedly growing.
This sewing machine was one of the first ever manufactured by Singer. Singer sewing machines was founded by Issac Singer in 1850. This model was manufactured in 1865 in Singer's factory ...
[Grow Your Own Clothes] had finally found their ideal sewing machine for doing zig-zag stitches (/\/\/\) and converting to a treadle drive (mechanically foot-fed) — a Singer 411G. This is a well ...
Sewing machines, threads, button boxes and fabric swathes have always held a nostalgia for me. At my late Granny Margaret’s home in the 1980s, boxes of buttons, beads and threads were something I ...