For those of us who are fans, sauerkraut is a juicy, tangy, crunchy topping to load onto our foot-longs, slurp up alongside ...
Some foods are inherently (and, in my view, undeservedly) divisive. ‘Love it or hate it’ splits opinions on things like ...
This is the case with stuffed cabbage rolls made with sauerkraut. If you haven't had the chance to taste this delicacy yet, it's high time you changed that. We rarely opt for this variation of ...
The fermented cabbage known as Sauerkraut, with its bold and tart flavor, is celebrated for its myriad health advantages and has been widely enjoyed, particularly in Europe, for many years.
Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that originates from Germany. With only two simple ingredients - cabbage and salt - it's an easy recipe to get you on the road to fermenting your own food.