It’s now been 80 years since Auschwitz was liberated and the true horror of what took place inside the camp’s walls was ...
Foto: Christoph Frey Das KZ Dachau diente als Modell für all die anderen Konzentrationslager, die danach kamen – und der SS als Ausbildungsstätte. In der neben dem Häftlingsbereich gelegenen ...
Dachau had been the first of the concentration ... At the beginning it functioned among other things, as a training camp for SS officers and as the special project of Heinrich Himmler, the head ...
Lagergemeinschaft Dachau verurteilt die gemeinsame Abstimmung von CDU/CSU, FDP und AfD im Bundestag für eine schärfere ...
Dachau was the first and longest-running concentration ... camps that followed and was even a training center for SS guards. Scholars believe that from 1933 through 1945, more than 200,000 people ...
Quentin Jelsing of Rugby had just turned 18 when he decided to enlist to fight in World War II. His son, Terry Jelsing, said ...
[161] Da in Dachau die politischen Häftlinge eindeutig dominierten, bildete dieses Lager gerade den Einfluss der "kriminellen" Häftlinge betreffend eine eher seltene Ausnahme. Mit den "Kriminellen" ...