a microscopic roundworm that typically lives to a ripe old age of two to three weeks. Another advantage of using C. elegans is that these worms have a simple physiology and easily manipulated genes.
This pioneering discovery was made using the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans ... four of which have won Nobel Prizes. How did C. elegans, a tiny invertebrate, become such a crucial tool for ...
Some organisms, like the roundworm C. elegans, can develop normally without functional HIF. Under normal oxygen conditions, these organisms develop alongside their wild-type counterparts.
Caption As part of an experiment to assess learning and memory in C. elegans roundworms, the image on the left shows worms that have not yet been trained to associate food with a drop of the ...
In Horvitz’s lab, they studied the roundworm C. elegans to better understand the role genes play in the development of ...
RNA-based medicines are one of the most promising ways to fight human disease, as demonstrated by the recent successes of RNA ...
in which the investigators utilized both fruit fly and C. elegans roundworm model organisms to identify regions of the genome that are involved in gene regulation and understanding how ...
C. elegans roundworms without (right) the LIN-53 protein show irregular muscle fibers compared to roundworms with the protein (left). They also died, on average, five days sooner, indicating LIN ...