使得已知的RNA病毒的分类门增加了一倍,其中一些代表了RNA病毒演化中的“缺失环节”。除了在疾病中的作用外,人们对RNA病毒的生态相关性和演化 ...
The central dogma of molecular biology suggests that the primary role of RNA is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins. In reality, there is much more to the RNA story. However ...
利用BGISEQ平台,对富集到的18-30nt的小RNA片段进行测序,对获得的有效数据进行序列长度分布统计,将筛选后的高质量序列分类注释,从而获得样品中包含的各组分及表达量信息,并对所有小RNA ...
RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, duyring the process of transcription. As complex molecule composed of protein subunits, RNA ...
这项研究利用先进的人工智能技术,成功识别并分类了超过16万种新的RNA病毒,这一发现极大地扩展了我们对病毒世界的认知边界。 这项研究的核心 ...