The Qur’an contains 99 Arabic names (attributes or character traits) for the multifaceted essence of the one God, but not one of them connects the one God with one people, while one of the dozens of ...
The doctrine followed by Ahl-us-Sunnah w-al-Jama‘ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream) is to follow the righteous predecessors in relation to the Names ...
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.The Qur’an is the miraculous words of Allah (SWT) which were revealed upon the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and is passed to the next ...
Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe there is one true God Allah (the Arabic word for God). Muslims believe that Islam was revealed over 1,400 years ago in Mekkah, Arabia through ...