In the Cretaceous period, a shark or another kind of fish found sea lilies less than digestible. What you might expect ...
Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) aren’t huge scary beasts with massive teeth; they are smallish, striped, and adorable. No, you cannot have this type of shark as a pet.
A SCIENTIST made a bizarre discovery after breaking open a piece of chalk and finding 66 million-year-old fish vomit. The find dating back to the age of the dinosaurs was made by fossil hunter ...
The crested horn shark, which looks almost identical to the Port Jackson shark, is a major predator of Port Jackson shark eggs. They crush the eggs using their strong jaws, feeding off the rich yolk.
In the quiet cliffs of Stevns, Denmark, a 79-year-old amateur fossil hunter split open a piece of chalk last November and ...
Examples include the nurse shark, the angel shark and the Port Jackson shark. Some sharks feed by sucking water in through their mouths. Small organisms such as plankton get stuck in their gill rakers ...
Nicolas Remy (Australia) records the moment a crested hornshark snatches a Port Jackson shark egg for a meal. Nicolas makes regular dives to document Port Jackson sharks. Approaching from a distance, ...