Understanding cubs’ activity when leaving their lairs could aid in supporting the polar bear’s survival.
Just on the edge of the western Hudson Bay lies the small town of Churchill, Manitoba. Here, the sea meets the boreal forest ...
"The Arctic is one of the fastest warming regions in the planet," said Flavio Lehner, chief climate scientist for Polar Bears International and assistant professor at Cornell University ...
The time lapse footage is the result of almost a decade of work monitoring the vulnerable predators' maternal behavior.
The remote cameras have captured the moment a mother pokes her head out from her den to see if the world is safe enough for her little ones.
One of the most popular cold-weather animals is the polar bear. They are the largest bears in the world ... The clip below is from the Our Planet special on Netflix featuring David Attenborough. It’s ...
A polar bear fetching a stick and other jaw-dropping moments from this year's World Nature Photography Awards.