The population of Pacific bluefin tuna ascended 1,000% between 2014 and 2022, scientists learned at a conference in June. They did not expect to reach this milestone until 2034. “This is one of ...
USA next week to maintain the catch quotas for the depleted Pacific bluefin tuna stocks Gland, Switzerland, 20 June. WWF urges the members of the Eastern Pacific fisheries commission assembling in La ...
In the 1960s the amount of parent bluefin tuna fish stocks in the Pacific Ocean was estimated at more than 100,000 tons, but after that it declined significantly due to overfishing.
Inaction presents a major risk to the seriously depleted species Guayaquil, Ecuador – Inability to agree on a recovery plan for Pacific bluefin tuna at a meeting of the fisheries commission for the ...
The population of Pacific bluefin tuna ascended 1,000% between 2014 and 2022, scientists learned at a conference in June. They did not expect to reach this milestone until 2034. “This is one of ...