It’s a piece of common knowledge, that MS-DOS wasn’t capable of multitasking. For that, the Microsoft-based PC user would have to wait for the 80386, and usable versions of Windows.
Let’s go over how you can get MS-DOS-designed apps and games running on your Linux computer. The two best ways to get the OG OS running are FreeDOS and DOSBox. I compare these two at length in ...
If you thought you were safe from this by sticking to an ancient MS-DOS PC though, think again: [Yeo Kheng Meng] has recently written a ChatGPT client that runs on DOS. [Yeo Kheng Meng] didn’t ...
Earlier this month, hardware modder and retro computing enthusiast Yeo Kheng Meng shared footage of his "modern 2024" DOS PC on his self-titled blog, emphasizing its powerful internal specifications.
La version vendue à IBM s'appelera PC-DOS. Elle ne diffère de la version distribuée par Microsoft que par deux choses, dont les plus importantes sont juste que Par la suite, PC-DOS faisant plus de 2/3 ...
One of two hidden system files that made up Microsoft's MS-DOS. The other was IO.SYS. These two system files were loaded into memory when the computer was booted. They processed the instructions ...
Des débuts auxquels a été associé Microsoft, alors une jeune pousse, qui a développé pour IBM l’OS de son PC, à savoir MS-DOS. Mais l’IBM 5150 n’a pas seulement amorcé le démarrage ...
Le sac à dos de voyage compact Rogue V3 Backpack de Razer est un excellent choix pour transporter votre ordinateur portable en toute sécurité. Disponible en différentes tailles pour s'adapter ...