His mummy stands as proof of his legacy and gives important information into his extraordinary life and the grandeur of ancient Egypt. Hatshepsut, one of the few female pharaohs, that ruled during ...
Archaeologists in Egypt discovered literal evidence of the practice, opening tombs dating from the Ptolemaic era (305 B.C. to 30 B.C.) in the ancient city of Oxyrhynchus that featured 13 mummies ...
Archaeologists Discover Two Lion Cub Mummies Inside a Special Tomb for Cat Burials in Egypt Two mummified lion cubs, about 2,600 years old, were discovered in a tomb full of cat statues and mummies at ...
Scientists have discovered 52 ancient Egypitan Mummies which date back to 2,000 years ago. Over a dozen of these have been found with rare golden tongues, which were believed to enable the ...
Archaeologists in Egypt unearthed 4,600-year-old ‘well’ tomb and brick tombs, other burials and an ancient mummy in a Greco-Roman catacomb. Photo from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and ...
The oldest known tattoos were found on remains of a Neolithic man who lived in the Italian Alps around 3,000 B.C. Many mummies from ancient Egypt also have tattoos, as do remains from cultures ...