Monkeys give each other names, scientists have found for the first time. Marmosets have been observed using labels for one another, making them the only known primates to do so.
the last one I thought would be first." And, Dolenz adds, any future work by he, Tork and Nesmith under the Monkees name is "a huge 'If.'" "We've had a sort of unspoken, I guess, agreement over ...
The Monkees were widely accused of ripping off The Beatles. “Ripping-off” was usually too strong a word for the inspiration that the Prefab Four took from the Fab Four, but the word applied ...
During a 2019 interview with Studio 10, The Monkees” Mike Nesmith said a certain rumor originated from a conversation he had with an Australian journalist. “I was up to my eyeballs in media ve ...
Micky Dolenz, last survivor of hit 1960s sitcom The Monkees, is keen to stress that he, Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith and Peter Tork were cast primarily as actors — though as a result they were to ...