the Max Planck Society awards the Otto Hahn Medal for outstanding Ph.D. dissertations, providing financial assistance for a postdoc position abroad. As the head of an Independent Junior Research Group ...
director of the Max Planck Society’s (MPS) Fritz Haber Institute and a member of the DEAL negotiating team, in the statement.
a European Advanced Research Grant of Dierk Raabe, and a Cooperation Grant of the Max Planck and Fraunhofer Societies to the team.
Innovative electro-optic Fabry-Pérot resonators enable precise measurement of electric fields, enhancing light-matter interaction understanding in THz range.
Max Planck- Gesselschaft is one of 80 Max Planck Institutes for the study and advancement of science. The Max Planck Society was established in 1948 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany with ...