Scientists took 10 years to figure out how one type of superbug gains its ability to infect diverse bacterial species. When ...
The MRSA superbug has evolved into 'fitter' strains which could prove even more resistant to treatment, a leading scientist warned on Tuesday. Professor Hajo Grundmann, a world expert in ...
Many of these deaths are due to MRSA - Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - the most common 'superbug' found in hospitals. What singles MRSA out from other bacteria is that it cannot be ...
The tool in question is called "co-scientist" and the problem they presented it with was straightforward enough: why are some superbugs resistant to antibiotics? Professor José R Penadés told ...
Professor José R Penadés and his team at Imperial College London had spent years working out and proving why some superbugs are immune to antibiotics. He gave "co-scientist" - a tool made by ...
A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool has solved a superbug mystery in 48 hours, leaving scientists astonished. Microbiologists have been working to understand the complex issue for over a ...
An outbreak of the deadly superbug MRSA, which is resistant to many antibiotics, has been declared at Victoria Hospital this week. MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus ...
AI solves superbug mystery in 48 hours – after it took scientists 10 years to crack Google’s ‘co-scientist’ could ‘change the way we do science’, says author of Imperial College study ...