Growing a lemon tree indoors is easy, but it does require a bit of specialized care in terms of light and fertilizer. Read on to learn how to grow a lemon tree indoors. Common Name: Lemon ...
House plants can brighten up a home during the dreary winter months. If you plant a fruit tree, you’ll have a delicious snack ...
“Let's send off the first truck, which will carry our produce to our brothers in the United States,” Argentine President Mauricio Macri said during an event in the northern lemon-growing ...
You can grow a lemon tree from seed ... However, if you live anywhere north of Zone 9, you can plant a lemon tree indoors. As long as you have a sunny room, they make a lovely addition to your ...
Imagine having sunny orange, bright yellow and luscious green fruit growing in your home, especially during this gray, cold time of year. While we do not associate citrus plants with ...