Loss always seems inevitable for Kollwitz. But while most of her works depict grief, "Peasants' War" argues for active resistance, even when the odds are stacked terribly. Mostly, she suggests ...
Kathe Kollwitz built, and then lost ... looks over the fence.” Plate 5 from Bauernkrieg (Peasants’ War): Losbruch (Outbreak), 1902–3 Plate 2 from Ein Weberaufstand (A Weavers’ Revolt):Tod (Death), ...
Many have expressed their regret that she didn’t live to see the end of the second world war. Her drawings of folded hands, as if they’re asking for something, praying or hoping for something, were ...
A German printmaker, known for artwork about war, poverty and grief, will be featured in an exhibition in Erie. "Marks of Resistance: Käthe Kollwitz Prints" will showcase her emotional artwork ...