St. Nicodemus was a secret disciple of Jesus. As a member of the Sanhedrin, he would meet Jesus by night so that the others would not see him with Jesus. Eventually, it was Nicodemus who reminded ...
Nicodemus? Ora Switzer’s face, with black wrinkles situated beneath thinning white hair, has come to represent what is happening in this tiny, historic town. At 102, Switzer is the oldest ...
You see, the new life in Christ is the kingdom of God that resides inside all believers. When Jesus was on earth, and ...
Instead of organizing historical events into a chronology, John presents Jesus in all of his theological ... synoptics include the discussion with Nicodemus, the conversation with the woman ...
In his famous conversation with the religious leader, Nicodemus, Jesus says, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes ...