Austen, it seems, understood human nature more than most. With a new Austen drama hitting our screens on ITV this week, the time is ripe to revisit some of her best-loved quotes: If you want to ...
This quote suggests that relationships require effort, understanding, and sometimes a bit of luck. Jane Austen’s wisdom continues to guide and inspire readers across generations. Her keen ...
But considering that this article is literally about Jane Austen quotes, we hope you’ll forgive us for keeping the trend alive. Any self-respecting Austen-ite can probably recite the line in its ...
In “Jane Austen’s Bookshelf,” a rare-book collector sets out to “investigate” a group of overlooked female writers.
Austen, it seems, understood human nature more than most. With a new Austen drama hitting our screens on ITV this week, the time is ripe to revisit some of her best-loved quotes: If you want to ...