A country is gripped by bitter political partisan debates and insecurities about its own economy. A nonconformist, ...
“Ur-Fascism,” wrote the Italian thinker Umberto Eco, derives from individual or social frustration. That is why one of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a ...
According to the historian, our less than critical view of Italian Fascism can be traced to a romanticised and condescending view of Italians going back to the eighteenth century. But he also argues ...
Essentially, Mussolini's system pitted Italian classes against foreign powers, whereas Mao's mobilized Chinese national classes against foreign powers. Mussolini himself was clear about it in his own ...
But years earlier, Mussolini’s regime was already passing anti-Semitic laws. Italian Fascism glorified the notion of a "pure Italian," evoking an ideal world where men were warriors and women ...
Therein precisely is the gist of fascism.... Italian fascism was the immediate outgrowth of the betrayal by the reformists of the uprising of the Italian proletariat. From the time the [first ...
We have heard it quietly mentioned for years that the United States, and much of the world, is slowly slipping toward fascism ...
What’s happening in the United States bears “family resemblances” to fascism, says Alberto Toscano. But the term has limits and warrants a thoughtful exploration, advises the Italian ...