India has mourned one of its longest-serving prime ministers, Manmohan Singh, with a state funeral in Delhi. Singh led the country from 2004 to 2014 and was considered the architect of India's ...
India’s former prime minister Manmohan Singh, who steered the country through sweeping reforms and paved the way for its emergence as a global economic powerhouse, has died. He was 92.
Former prime minister late Manmohan Singh's role in the 1991 economic reforms marked a turning point for India’s ...
Good relations with our neighbours are essential for peace, stability and prosperity in the region. — Manmohan Singh ...
Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the first person of India's minority Sikh faith to hold that office, died in New Delhi on Thursday at age 92. A renowned economist, he was known as the ...
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh embroiled in residency controversy, challenged in court, but petition rejected by ...
His contributions as an economic reformer were substantial and enduring. But his record as prime minister was decidedly mixed ...
As the book now reveals, Pakistan had agreed to withdraw troops from Pakistan Administered Kashmir after India demanded a ...
To honor the memory of Sardar Manmohan Singh, we Namdhari Sikhs request the government that no conventional memorial, such as ...
India's former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, widely regarded as the architect of India's economic reform program and a landmark nuclear deal with the United States, has died. He was 92.
NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, widely regarded as the architect of India’s economic reform program and a landmark nuclear deal with the United States ...
FILE - Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pays homage to former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi on his death anniversary in New Delhi, India, Thursday, May 21, 2015. (AP Photo/Saurabh Das ...