In many Catholic families, there is a pious custom of reciting daily one part of the Rosary. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. There are, at present ...
Modern scholars may question St. Dominic’s role in the Rosary, but historical evidence offers a compelling case.
The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that ... The above article appeared in the Fairfield County Catholic January 1996. Reprinted with ...
With this Letter on the Rosary the Holy Father has touched the hearts ... to the understanding and life of faith" ( Catechism of the Catholic Church , n. 171). This is also what praying the ...
Rosary Meditations Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church On October 7 ... give birth to "the Son of the Most High" without knowing man, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary responded with the ...
The holy rosary educates the mind ... candidate simply because he says he is a Catholic or speaks at a Catholic event. Rosary-packing Catholics recognize the sound of truth and vote to please ...
DeVille climbs into his car. After distributing Communion to members of St. Oscar Romero Parish inside Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Cecil during an 8 a.m. Mass, he still has work to do.
"On the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, a podcast about the rosary is #1 in the USA," Ascension Catholic Press said in a January post on X, as Ames knocked Rogan off top spot on Apple.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov Thousands of children across the United States Midwest came together on January 28, on the ...
Rosary beads close rosaryA string of beads used as a method of prayer or meditation, for example by Buddhists and Roman Catholic Christians ... grace for a holy death (Forgiveness).