Fresh research details a method than can detect congestive heart failure (CHF) using smartwatch ECG data with an impressive ...
Heart failure remains a substantial burden for patients due to its high prevalence and limited therapeutic options. Heart ...
When should you get screened for heart disease? The American Heart Association recommends that routine screenings should ...
As important as it is to maintain a healthy heart physically, it is even more important for us to develop a healthy heart ...
February is American Heart Health Month, a time to both raise awareness about heart disease and to encourage people to take ...
Op-Ed: Diet, exercise and stopping smoking will save many lives, especially in Brooklyn’s minority communities.
February is American Heart Month, a highlight of which is Wear Red Day, which aims to raise awareness about heart disease in ...
Their goal is for one person to be CPR trained in every household by 2030. With February being heart month, the American ...
A cardiac arrest and heart attack survivor have different stories, but something in common: CPR save their lives.