The stomach holds an average 1.5 litres of food, and is capable of holding up to four litres. It takes the stomach about four hours to digest a meal and pass it along the small intestine.
The pancreas is a gland organ located behind the stomach that manufactures a cocktail of enzymes that are pumped into the duodenum. A duct also connects the duodenum to the gallbladder.
The stomach is an important organ in the digestive system. After food has been chewed in the mouth and swallowed, it enters the stomach via the oesophagus. The stomach produces strong acid.
Stage 4 stomach cancer means your cancer has spread through the outer lining of your stomach and into nearby organs or tissues. Or it has spread to distant body parts. Doctors use different systems to ...
The job of each organ is briefly explained. The brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines and skin are all mentioned. The clip also stresses the importance of a healthy diet and ...