Grow the Flow, a Utah-based water policy and advocacy non-profit group, has placed billboards throughout Salt Lake County, ...
Globe photographer Joseph Holder covered the Rally to Save Our Great Salt Lake on Jan. 25. View his photos from the event.
Dozens of youth activists fanned out across the Utah State Capitol, texting and calling lawmakers, asking them to do more for the Great Salt Lake ...
The Salt Lake Tribune analyzed dozens of water rights applications submitted in the two years following a moratorium on most new appropriations within the Great Salt Lake Basin. Here's what we found.
Drivers may notice new billboards across Salt Lake County roadways that do much more than hawk attorney services or promote casinos that sit just over the state line.
That's one of the key points in the Great Salt Lake Strike Team's third-annual data and insights report published Tuesday. The team adds that doing nothing now could ... but it then lost a little ...
the Great Salt Lake commissioner appointed by lawmakers to save the lake, said in a statement. “We can invest time and financial resources now or pay much later. Fortunately, we have great data ...
The Great Salt Lake, the largest saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere, reached historic low levels in 2022, raising economic, ecological and public health concerns for Utah. New research from ...
Clocking in at roughly 35 miles wide and 75 miles long, the Great Salt Lake is the largest natural saltwater lake in the Western Hemisphere. The lake's name comes from the nature of the water ...
In light of new data, (“Farmers could be the ‘heroes’ who save the Great Salt Lake, new study says”) it’s clear that Utah cannot save the Great Salt Lake and keep growing water-thirsty ...
Plus, lawmakers could do more with conservation and development in the Great Salt Lake basin, according to Ferry. He said a big focus for water managers now is figuring out new ways to not only ...