Tulip fire is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Botrytis tulipae that attacks and eventually destroys all parts of the ...
Fungal diseases severely devastated the banana industry ... causing cell death that affects photosynthesis and leads to a reduction in fruit production and quality. If Black Sigatoka is left ...
5 (=). Blossom wilt of fruit trees Coming in at joint fifth is a plant disease that pretty much explains itself. Another ...
Caused by a two different strains of fungus, the disease appears as a white powdery ... and is believed to be one of the first edible fruit-producing plants discovered by native people following ...
Fungicide resistance turns Michigan growers into easy pickings for cherry leaf spot when wind and rain prevail. Scientists ...
Two problems commonly associated with apple trees plague growers: apple scab and apple maggots. It is too late for remedial action at this time of year but what you do now can affect next ...
Scientists find the cause of mango twig tip dieback, eight years after the mysterious disease emerged in the Top End. Farmers ...
Scientific testing is showing that disease-causing pathogens are adapting to farmers’ use of pesticides and fungicides on ...
a fungus that causes a powdery mildew to form on blueberry plants, originated in North America. It is now spreading rapidly across major blueberry-growing regions, including China, Morocco and Mexico, ...
Pruning is "vital" for healthy peach trees, according to Michael Kenins, co-owner of Vista Tree Management and an ...