“When choosing a pooper scooper product, the first thing I look for is if it’s easy to clean! It’s not fun trying to clean out poo from small, hard-to-reach crevices,” said Lechliter.
Part of being a responsible pet parent includes picking up after your dog in the yard, and although it will never be the most fun job in ... in the Arm & Hammer Pooper Scooper.
35-pound beagle-dachshund mix and a 9-year-old, 38-pound Australian Cattle Dog, and I’ve fostered other dogs. So I’ve gained insight into what constitutes a good pooper-scooper.
Believe it or not, you can make a very comfortable living by starting and operating a doggie pooper-scooper service in your community. In fact, this service has really taken off in the past few ...