This influx of calcium at the contact site attracts and activates a kinase called CaMKII, a protein known to be important in ...
When you enjoy food, it’s not just about the taste. The appearance, flavor, and texture also play a role. Some food items are ...
The study concentrated on two types of fruit flies—the innocent Drosophila melanogaster ... "For example, we observed ...
During the last century, biologists have extensively studied Drosophila melanogaster ... mathematical model to study how neurons in the brain might adjust their connections to learn and store ...
2003 ). For example, when expressed in the Drosophila brain, Tau protein—which forms neurofibrillary tangle pathology in AD—causes adult onset, progressive neurodegeneration, truncated lifespan and ...
We use fruitflies (Drosophila melanogaster) as our model organism because they perform many complex behaviors with a relatively simple brain, and because of the many genetic tools that are available ...
IN an investigation on the chemoreceptivity of Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon), Begg and Hogben 1 stated that the normal undesiccated males of this species showed a response to moisture if the ...
Experiments in animals and observations in humans suggest that the amount of proline circulating in one’s plasma has a strong association with depression severity. Though scientists don’t yet know ...
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is well known as a fruit pest, especially in summer. It is widely used in research and has become one of the best established model organisms for the study of ...