Deer hunters who use a firearm or muzzleloader in a lottery area and want to harvest an antlerless deer must apply for an either-sex permit by the Thursday, Sept. 8, deadline established by the DNR.
Firearms and muzzleloader hunters who want to harvest antlerless deer in a deer permit area designated as lottery this hunting season are reminded they must purchase their license by Sept.
It resulted in 204 deer being killed through hunting on various MetroParks and through reductions by U.S. Department of Agriculture-employed sharpshooters who killed deer in the area of the Mill ...
As in the past, this year’s cull will take place after hours using highly trained USDA Wildlife Services personnel.
A press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Deer hunters who use a firearm or muzzleloader in a lottery area and want to harvest an antlerless deer must apply for an ...