Their immunities to infectious disease are just beginning to build, and they are in close contact with other infants and adults who pass on germs ... adults and children wash hands frequently ...
In order to understand how to prevent infections in a daycare, you have to understand how germs ... child who is coughing. The best way to prevent the fecal oral route of transmission is careful ...
We often overlook how many germs our cell phones carry. From the number of surfaces we place them on to every time we touch—or allow someone else to touch—them with unclean hands.
Then there’s the toys your child will share with their friends, who all have their fair share of winter coughs and colds, a hefty amount of snot, and a questionable ability to put their hands ...
Any child who has fever or who has diarrhea, or who is sneezing excessively or coughing excessively is a child who is spreading their contagion to other children. So it's really important to keep ...
It is nearly impossible to turn on the TV or radio or pick up a paper without hearing about the newest strain of influenza. As adults, we listen for facts and try to understand and calculate our ...