Years ago, Chanie Gorkin, a then 17-year-old girl from New York, wrote a poem entitled: “Worst Day Ever.” It was for an assignment at school. “It took me a few hours to write,” Gorkin said. “I was ...
A group of inmates at Toronto South Detention Centre are studying Secret Path, Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire’s graphic novel about Chanie Wenjack. Chanie was a young Anishinaabe boy who died while ...
Gord Downie's Secret Path tells the story of Chanie Wenjack, a young boy who died trying to get home from residential school in 1966. It's been taught in classrooms across Canada this year.
Jewish people around the world will be celebrating the festival of lights. Local Rabbi Levy Zirkind and his wife, Chanie, from the Chabad of the Central Valley, say they look forward to Hanukah ...