Applications for North Dakota's elk, moose and bighorn sheep seasons are now available on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department's website at , and more elk and moose licenses are ...
Cody Hinkley spent much of his youth outdoors. His childhood memories are full of adventures — exploring the wilderness, ...
A Utah-based hydroelectric company wants to build another reservoir above Seminoe Reservoir to produce bursts of energy when ...
Combining the Deadwood bighorn sheep herd with the Hell Canyon hunting unit would mean that only one ram can be harvested ...
EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- It's been several months since a herd of 77 big horn sheep was released into the Franklin Mountains State Park as part of a larger effort to reintroduce the animals in ...
Pat Cummings, president of the Las Vegas-based Fraternity of Desert Bighorn organization that works regularly with the state ...
A desert bighorn sheep ewe and lamb, part of the northern Santa Rosa Mountains herd near Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage. The Peninsular bighorn sheep are an endangered species in the United States ...
Texas Parks and Wildlife is saying that the first batch of lambs from the big horn sheep herd are being spotted. In December, officials released 77 big horn sheep into the franklin mountains as ...
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — After the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) relocated a herd of bighorn sheep to El Paso, they are reporting sightings of the first lambs. On Friday ...
BISMARCK – Applications for North Dakota’s elk, moose and bighorn sheep seasons are now available ... landowners and hunters to manage a growing elk herd in and surrounding the J.