There's some science behind why yoga can help you sleep better. Yoga and breathing techniques help calm your nervous system, ...
Pranayama or controlled breathing which is practiced as part of it, help slow the heart rate, signalling the brain that it’s ...
Unwind with this gentle 10-minute yoga stretch you can do right in bed! Perfect for relaxation, stress relief, and better ...
However, not all exercises are made equal when it comes to lulling you to sleep -- which is why we recommend yoga over, say, jumping on your treadmill before bed. Yoga encourages calm and gentle ...
Dr Leah Kaylor takes a very serious approach to getting her body and mind ready for sleep. She starts with a very hot shower ...
Exercising before bed may negatively affect sleep quality, according to survey reports. Learn about the effects of nighttime ...
Gentle, supported inversions like viparita karani (legs up the wall pose) or halasana (plow pose) are also great yoga poses to help you reset your body and mind before bed, he says. Before you ...
Butterfly Pose opens up the hips and promotes relaxation. Sit with the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall ...
Plow pose, as crazy as it looks, is a great way to prepare yourself for a good night's rest. (Getty Images) ...