Guide for producers on spatial audio including binaural sound and object-based audio covering microphones, pitfalls and next steps Spatial audio is a way of creating sound in 360 degrees around a ...
Despite both being competent spatial audio formats, some assume that Eclipsa Audio will end up being the HDR10+ to Atmos’ ...
As one of Google's biggest mobile partners, we're going to assume that Samsung will get this feature pretty quick, especially as the Korean company is in the midst of launching th ...
Apple's Spatial Audio is a feature you might not be well acquainted with, but its ability to deliver immersive surround sound is well worth taking a listen. When you connect your AirPods ...
The new Eclipsa Audio format is based on the Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF) co-developed by Google, Samsung, and others from the Alliance of Open Media (AOM).
Spatial Audio offers an immersive audio experience, optimising the sound frequencies based on the direction of your head and the device. Devices running iOS 15 will also be able to experience this ...
Dolby Atmos might be the first name you think of when it comes to spatial audio (Apple Spatial Audio, perhaps, being the other) but there's a new player in town. It's called Eclipsa Audio ...